Archived Armadillo Run Levels

Click on the links below to list the levels in each category, or click on the [zip] links to download all the levels in a single zip file. The level files need to be put in the 'Levels' folder (click on [Open levels folder] on the main menu to get to it). You will then be able to play the levels after choosing the 'Start game' option from the main menu.

Current  Archived
Normal level sets      Spectator level sets
Normal single levels [zip] Spectator single levels [zip]
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Level set Description Author Date Screenshot Rating
(click to rate)
Onza40 (old) A set of 17 levels with 3 extra with 2 endings, extremely hard in places, easy and fun in others. Onza40 26/02/2008  
ViktoriuS (LEAVEL) VS Viktorio comandoS (VS) 20/09/2006
Zpr_Section_1 A set of brainstorming levels. Some are extremely easy while others do not... H.Zhang 20/02/2015